Sunday, 14 March 2010

Tight-A** Mummy!

Little Myz got a Forever Friends activity book and once she'd finished the puzzles she wanted to do Mummy nabbed it and cut it to pieces!

I'd fallen in love with the Pick of the Week on Create and Craft but can't afford to spend that much... I thought with these toppers and some backing papers and stuff I bought from Ebay...I'd do just as good a job....

That remains to be seen but I'm hopeful... look how many brill toppers we got out of the book!!!!

... and the middle of the book has 2 pages of stickers in it too not in photo


Moral: if you want Forever Friends toppers and can't afford Create and Craft... cut up yer kids books!



G xxx

1 comment:

  1. Brilliant idea for a fraction of the price - I'll have to look out for one for the Dev Monster.
