Not sure if this will make sense. Might get someone to give once over before it is posted doing on phone sort of sucks but at least the post gets done lol...but I'd like to start year as I mean to go on so here is what's been rocking my week this week
My son being here
I missed him like crazy the whole Christmas week...his dad had never had him over Christmas and I figured he'd probably be gone in few years anyway. So asked him if he wanted to go and spend it with his dad. So Sunday 23rd to last Sunday he wasn't here. It was a lot more difficult without him here so I definitely appreciate him that much more. You don't know what you have til It's not there. Maybe I should come and stay with one of you for a week then people might appreciate what little I can do about the house lol
After the past few years it has been very painful to see so many of my friends having babies. Each baby born has made the pain less and the joy more....someone I know had A baby on new year's day and it was the first time I felt a lot more joy than pain ...oh she is so Yeay for more joy when there are new bundles of baby about the place.
I settled this week for buying something and not making myself ill trying to craft something for someone's birthday. Probably no biggie for most people but I not only settled...I was actually happy about it...because I had saved what energy I had to give to the kids and spend more time.
My nan
Seeing my nan last weekend was ace. At first we couldn't see a way to get down there as although mum and Dad only live 90 mins away the journey isn't such a good thing and couldnt do it in one day. Knew if we stayed there I'd try to be more social and make things worse so we stayed over somewhere and went to see them in morning. I love my nan <3 she hugged me so hard my glasses I think she loves me too lol....
Days inn
They take dogs!!!!! I was able to stay over when we went to see the family as you are allowed dogs in there...even on the bed!!!!! That was a massive positive this week as since we got her from rescue she hasn't been in a kennel so I was very worried that we would have to. Yeay
Games on tablet/mobile
Not only can I blog on mobile I can also darn well play with my friends. Bed will be a big part of my life for a wee while so being able to play games with my friends even tho they are so far away is a major Yeay. Isn't technology fabbytastic? ....
So yeah I think that is all. Been working in the week on it and trying to sort out spelling and fat wobbly hand letter errors but sorry if It's not too coherent.
I hope your week has been a good one. Happy 2013 and I wish you all the best xxxxxx feel free to write a post might be surprised what positives might lurk in your week if you have a good look