Thursday, 15 November 2012

What Wobbles Beside Me Thursday

Hot on the heels of what's on yer workdesk Wednesday comes What Wobbles Beside Gaily Thursday.....usually behaves itself but I have it there so I can finish the many many little things I have been unable to recently. Sometimes I can't get up well without help so It's quite useful....but I really should find a way to get it the other side....It's becoming taller than I am and one day when it falls...ppl won't be able to hear my moans.....haha



  1. Under the scrap pile... no-one can hear you scream! :D :D

    It looks a mighty interesting pile and a damn site more productive (even if it is just wobbling in the breeze) than I have been lately ;) I just keep tidying my spaces in the pretence I'll start using them soon!

    1. I feel sorry for Corey....he sits in other side of it....if it fell on him he could.....perish :o

  2. What's the big black book? Show us inside!

    1. Haha inside the book are little cross stitch Xmas and gift things and some yet to start.thought if they were in a file is better than yarns drizzling into each other and it all ending up in bin x
