Sunday, 8 July 2012

Thrifty? Imaginative? Or just plain Tightass? lol

This has been in the planning for a couple of weeks now. I have slowly but surely uploaded the photos to save.. I don't know about you but it usually takes me 3 attempts before the 'add to post' bit doesn't crash /sigh.. but I get there in the end....

Anyway... you can be the judge of what this is ;)

For a while I have done a lot of 'crafty preparation' die cutting things, cutting things out with scissors on the days my hands are behaving etc.. and I don't know about you but I have a box that I put things in.. that could 'come in' at some point..I hate to throw things away!.. anyway I had quite a few large brown thickish envelopes in there so decided one day when I was *very* close to throwing them out to cut them into wee shapes that I could add to cards in the future

Here be the envelopes

..and here be the lubberly shapes (some not so wee) that I cut from them

I was very impressed they looked like 'shop bought' brown paper only better quality lol... impressed, actually, that I cut out some brown and pink ones in the same shapes so that I could layer them at some point :)

.. this cutting out lasted a looong old while...quite few days on and off... but I now have little bundles of shapes in various colours that I can add to cards when I can't do one start-to-finish ... most of the time, actually at the mo hehehe....

They made such awesome cards as this one

..and also the one a couple of Rockin Fridays ago..

So.. thrifty or tightass on the brown paper front? Who knows but what I do know is that preparation makes for a much more chilled out Myz craft wise... do any of you prepare things like this or am I just superweird? lol


Thursday, 5 July 2012

What's been Rockin in MyzWorld this week?

It's been a tough week with much stupid having-to-lay-down-ness and stupid people which has meant for the meantime I have left Facebook for my own sanity lol.. might be back before this goes 'live' as I got really lonely but i doubt it lol....but there were a few times during the week I have been letting out a 'yeay' so here are my positives... btw if some things don't make sense don't try to understand them- I have been writing this all week so it's probably difficult to follow and very tangent-tastic :)

(1) Going Out!

Yeah you heard me.. GOIN OUT!... I walked slowly but confidently acrosss the square and had tea and a chat with my friend about 60 paces away lol... the chattiness and general being outness made me have 2 days mostly complete downtime after but.. YEAY OUT!!!!! I am hoping to do this more often and hopefully at some point there will be less downtime after.. I only wish she crafted... my nearest crafty friend lives in South Yorks so that's completely out... I don't know anyone near although they have craft events in Darlington that would take me and make sure I don't fall over (very embarrassing that! lol) .. and my crafty friend that visits once in a while got herself up the duff so she hasn't been up here in about...2 years it seems ;P

(2) Teacher presents

Been working on wooden hanging apple whatsits for a while now and this week my thoughts are sort of going the right way.. I think.... I even have one..nearly done! :)

..couple of negatives into positives....

(3) The Art of Camouflage

I just can't move about much without much wobbleage at the moment so the best I could do on Little Myz' birthday for her party food was move all the craft stuff to one end of the table :( .. scrappy scrappy... much sad faceage...

..but hey I had an idea!!!!!

Get her princess blanket and put it over!!!!

Et voila!

Not actually that shabby.. lol.. Little Myz was pleased and I even made use of The Mound....

Myz -1 : Messy Table -0

(4) My Guard Dog (lol)

Bless her little doggy paws.. Sophie usually potters about while people get ready for work and school and when they are gone beggars off into a room for a great deal of the day (having thought about it possibly so she doesn't trip me up as I'm not that steady on my feet...) but the past week I haven't even been able to potter and have been in bed and she's been laying right next to me the whole time... and if I am on the sofa she gets up as close as she can to it... so negative- non movement and painage into positive.. aww factor of cuddle-dog

(5) Newfangled Technology

..another neg to pos.... it was Little Myz' assembly today (Well ,Thursday,so yesterday I guess if this goes live when it's supposed to lol..) Wouldn't be able to walk as far as to get to the hall to watch it.. I do hate people staring at me and they do when I wobble or hold onto someone I really have to find a way past it :( .. anyway I digress.... Mr Myz was able to go... again!.... he has great boss I think :) .... and because of newfangled technology he was able to record little videos of it so I could see Little Myz In Action.... and what a proud Mummy I was... Mr Myz spoke to the teacher afterwards and in all their rehearsals it took 15 mins.. apparently 'live' it took 7 .. bless they must have been nervous hehe

..anyway... new technology? THUMBS UP this week :)

I think that might be about it I'm afraid... but woo I WENT OUT! That should count for a whole month of positives!!!! lol


(this should go live on Friday morning- let's see whether it does lol)