Thursday 2 January 2014

New Card!

Hi :-D

Happy New Year :-D

Will blog more about Christmas when less wobbly but today I will share a card I sent for a cutie boy's birthday

Ok so I put glittery letters on a card I made ages before, but that counts as a new card, right? :-D

I hope you are all ok and those of you that are supposed to be resting are.. ..just like I am....ahem ;-)

Taken messenger off phone for few weeks so I don't get distracted from the proper resting I Shall Be Doing After Little Myz Back At School Next Tuesday. Honest Guv ;-)

However, I can report that over the Christmas period we did manage two roast dinners and a buffet... And that the two sleighs and sweetie tree are,as I type this on my phone, untouched!!!!*** I know!!!!! Woah

Hugs xxxx

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