Saturday, 4 September 2010

Mr Myz' 40th Birthday cards

Ok hubby has opened all his cards and set off for Glasgow for his night out

...had to force him, or else he'd be stuck with a night in with me... or as it would have been a night in on his own while I slept probably!.....

So here's mine:

This is son-of-mine's

..and here is the effort from Little Myz... she spent all afternoon on it and insisted on doing it herself... hence the spelling of Hugs... bless her cottons!

I thought fast and said oh... how inventive, the 'd' is for Daddy and you put it in the hugs as if you were hugging daddy?... she answered that, yes, that was her intention ;)


Resting for rest of day and then maybe creating some naughty cross stitches as it's been too long since I set my subversiveness loose ;)

Watch this space.. and the subversive blog :) ... if you have a strong enough stomach for infantile swearing and subversivetasticness :P


or... *hudgs*

G xxx


  1. LOL! Great thinking Batman! Love the cards - love the hudgs *g* Yay for subversivetasticness!

  2. Wow the cards are really good and cute :)
