Got loads of things to update you on but I've been trying to get a blog going for Sophie the cute rescue dog so that we don't forget anything that happened during the crazed, scary first days.... you can imagine having her here and trying to write the blog has taken it out of me but I have cards galore to blog next time I can
Little Myz currently has bad ear ache as well as the horrid cough so it may be a few days yet lol... but I'll get there
Sunday, 13 December 2009
Wednesday, 2 December 2009
I'm over the top!

Not sure how to take this *lol*
....but The Lovely Cherry has seen fit to furnish me with the Over The Top award for my blog... so it's wheee thanks!!!... I think ;) .... I'm over the top? ... Oh ok maybe I am :) Thanks Cherry xxxxx
It comes with rules, regulations and suchlike (as does most of this life I am finding lol) which I quote here
"Pass this award on to five people, post on their blog to let them know you left this award, and then answer a list of questions in ONE word"
Unfortunately I'd decided to accept the award, walked up to the podium and eeeverything, before I read the regulations so I guess I had better play ball :)
1. Where is your cell phone? table
2. Your hair? bedhead
3. Your mother? Sheffield
4. Your father? motherwards
5. Your favorite food? stew
6. Your dream last night? horrid!
7. Your favorite drink? tea
8. Your dream/goal? healthier
9. What room are you in? bedroom
10. Your hobby? craftiness
11. Your fear? uncraftiness
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? here
13. Where were you last night? bed
14. Something that you aren't? runner
15. Muffins? please!
16. Wish list item? nesties!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
17. Where did you grow up? Urban
18. Last thing you did? waved
19. What are you wearing? jeans
20. Your TV? humour
21. Your Pets? Dog (soonsoonsoon?)
22. Friends? few
23. Your life? guess
24. Your mood? changeable
25. Missing Someone? Always
26. Vehicle? feet
27. Something you’re not wearing? suspenders
28. Your favorite store? Poundland!
29. Your favorite color? purple
30. When was the last time you laughed? Today
31. Last time you cried? daily
32. Your best friend? who?
33. One place that I go to over and over? toilet!
34. Facebook? Yes
35. Favorite place to eat? anywhere ;)
Ok so 5 people..... over the top..hmm... do i even know 5 people? ..
Ok so *clears throat*
I would like to award this award tooooooo
Carmen - first person I thought of! :P
Craftygranny - because she's worth it :)
Rusty- because I just have to :)
Julia - defo goes over the top to help people :)
Rainmac - for services to coaster calendars!
After the wobbles on the ice of yesterday I'll be taking a break for a short while, I think all the waving about on the ice took it out of me as it's pain and sicky city today... take care and I'll catch you on the flipside if you're still here ;)
G xxxx
Tuesday, 1 December 2009
Bind It All
Just a quickie
They sent my Bind It All Today!
They sent my Bind It All Today!
They sent my Bind It All Today!
They sent my Bind It All Today!
They sent my Bind It All Today!
They sent my Bind It All Today!
Just thought you'd like to know in case you're as excited as me!!!!!
G xxx
They sent my Bind It All Today!
They sent my Bind It All Today!
They sent my Bind It All Today!
They sent my Bind It All Today!
They sent my Bind It All Today!
They sent my Bind It All Today!
Just thought you'd like to know in case you're as excited as me!!!!!
G xxx
Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds....
...Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds....
...Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds....
Obviously on the wrong medication (*) as here are the makes I finished last night lol

Ok so they are a little psychadelic but, as with yesterday's posts, they have been a work in progress for ages so sometimes you just have to grab the bull by it's balls... or something like that.....
...and, yes, I know that the yellow brad is far too big but I have weenie and I have huge...nowt in between and no cash about even for stupid silicone glue so not a clue how I'm to make up any more coasters... that's what I used to stick the paper onto the coasters...agh what am I going to do????
.... I think rest as being wobbly and weak legged as I am at the moment, the ice this morning took me ages to get past but I didn't fall...even once... it did take me half an hour for the 5 min journey though ;p
TREEE!!!!! Little Myz decorated the tree yesterday- it's a work-in-progress as the shelves have to be covered somehow and the table has to be cleared but....

*hugs* to you all, specially you that are feeling poorly.. let's start a poorly club! ...hmm ok let's not I hate whingeing myself so I'll be jiggered if I let anyone else moan about how they are feeling! :P
G xxx
(*) Hmm..... I've not been on any medication for years so it can't be answers on a postcard why do I always clown about when I feel at my worst? It only costs me energy!!!!
EDIT ok can I just add... you know sometimes you can put a few gems in the corner of a card to make it look fabby? Well lots of you use what look like little upside down saucers instead...what are they called? ...are they expensive?...sometimes you don't want to use gems as they are too sparkly but they'd be fabby...but not a clue how to search for them :/
...Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds....
Obviously on the wrong medication (*) as here are the makes I finished last night lol

Ok so they are a little psychadelic but, as with yesterday's posts, they have been a work in progress for ages so sometimes you just have to grab the bull by it's balls... or something like that.....
...and, yes, I know that the yellow brad is far too big but I have weenie and I have huge...nowt in between and no cash about even for stupid silicone glue so not a clue how I'm to make up any more coasters... that's what I used to stick the paper onto the coasters...agh what am I going to do????
.... I think rest as being wobbly and weak legged as I am at the moment, the ice this morning took me ages to get past but I didn't fall...even once... it did take me half an hour for the 5 min journey though ;p
TREEE!!!!! Little Myz decorated the tree yesterday- it's a work-in-progress as the shelves have to be covered somehow and the table has to be cleared but....

*hugs* to you all, specially you that are feeling poorly.. let's start a poorly club! ...hmm ok let's not I hate whingeing myself so I'll be jiggered if I let anyone else moan about how they are feeling! :P
G xxx
(*) Hmm..... I've not been on any medication for years so it can't be answers on a postcard why do I always clown about when I feel at my worst? It only costs me energy!!!!
EDIT ok can I just add... you know sometimes you can put a few gems in the corner of a card to make it look fabby? Well lots of you use what look like little upside down saucers instead...what are they called? ...are they expensive?...sometimes you don't want to use gems as they are too sparkly but they'd be fabby...but not a clue how to search for them :/
Monday, 30 November 2009
Various craftiness
I'm sure I haven't blogged any of these before, but please forgive me if I have.... lol
I really *really* made a hash of my first coaster calendars as I just can't work out how to make the edges look less, well, crud... :(
Today I had a flash of inspiration (makes a change from all the perspiration! lol) and decided to stickle the edges to hide the cruddiness on said coasters, which I don't have a clue why I hadn't thrown away yet, lol.... do you know ...I think it sort of worked....

Next is my shiny shiny M and C ... covered with loads of Anita's and supposed to be stuck on a card...will they ever make it?

Couple of Christmas cards I don't think you've seen yet.....

...and last but not least (as far as time-taken-so-far-and-they-still-aren't-blooming-done is concerned) ... my weird attempt at pots of gold..... they started life as mayonnaise/coffee/pasta jars and still look as they always did... will they make it for this Christmas? .... or will my family be eating them all come the New Year? I haven't touched even one Ferrero Rocher!... Such A Good Girl....

I have yet to make anything round enough to make tags from, whenever I use Word I just end up in a mess.... maybe someone somewhere sells a pdf they have made? If you know of any let me know lol... or else these beauties won't make it past the starting post..... I can put ribbon round them all I like but I have to cover the words on there lol.. I have tried colouring the tops gold with my gold pens but when dry it just scratches off very easily ... so i thought maybe if I could fashion a round tag, use the nesties to make it look scalloptastic and stuff... maybe they will be passable
Helpy helpety help...please... lol
G xxx
I really *really* made a hash of my first coaster calendars as I just can't work out how to make the edges look less, well, crud... :(
Today I had a flash of inspiration (makes a change from all the perspiration! lol) and decided to stickle the edges to hide the cruddiness on said coasters, which I don't have a clue why I hadn't thrown away yet, lol.... do you know ...I think it sort of worked....

Next is my shiny shiny M and C ... covered with loads of Anita's and supposed to be stuck on a card...will they ever make it?

Couple of Christmas cards I don't think you've seen yet.....

...and last but not least (as far as time-taken-so-far-and-they-still-aren't-blooming-done is concerned) ... my weird attempt at pots of gold..... they started life as mayonnaise/coffee/pasta jars and still look as they always did... will they make it for this Christmas? .... or will my family be eating them all come the New Year? I haven't touched even one Ferrero Rocher!... Such A Good Girl....

I have yet to make anything round enough to make tags from, whenever I use Word I just end up in a mess.... maybe someone somewhere sells a pdf they have made? If you know of any let me know lol... or else these beauties won't make it past the starting post..... I can put ribbon round them all I like but I have to cover the words on there lol.. I have tried colouring the tops gold with my gold pens but when dry it just scratches off very easily ... so i thought maybe if I could fashion a round tag, use the nesties to make it look scalloptastic and stuff... maybe they will be passable
Helpy helpety help...please... lol
G xxx
Health, an apology and all that jazz...
Apologies in advance if my blog is all over the place for the time being. I have been assured by a few of you (blame them if you don't like it, lol) that it's definitely better to blog as much as I can than forget something as I haven't blogged in two months lol... if that makes sense *sigh*
My brain is foggier than a foggy thing just now and I spend a lot of time in bed or resting on the couch .. although things seem to be improving now... maybe it's my daily mantra
....I have to craft
...I can craft
....I am well enough to craft
Or maybe it's that sometimes I take a tiny walk 'just because'
Here is me excited at one such walk.. one that took about 5 mins I think rofl... but it was 'out'... and I took it to show hubby-of-mine that I was out of the house *and* had on my coat...which is a rare occurrence ;)

Ooh don't I look excited to be out? ;)
..the second photo is my character created on the sims by son-of-mine. I don't actually own a short skirt like that but hubby-of-mine is keen that I should make myself look like the Sim and not vice versa I think ;)

Funny Sim-related happening :
Apparently hubby of mine walks into the Sim house and goes up to the TV and turns onto sport. 2 mins later I come in, sit down and turn it to my channels....!!???
Took all day writing the 2 blogs I'll do today so hope they'll make more sense than I think they will :)
G xxxx
My brain is foggier than a foggy thing just now and I spend a lot of time in bed or resting on the couch .. although things seem to be improving now... maybe it's my daily mantra
....I have to craft
...I can craft
....I am well enough to craft
Or maybe it's that sometimes I take a tiny walk 'just because'
Here is me excited at one such walk.. one that took about 5 mins I think rofl... but it was 'out'... and I took it to show hubby-of-mine that I was out of the house *and* had on my coat...which is a rare occurrence ;)

Ooh don't I look excited to be out? ;)
..the second photo is my character created on the sims by son-of-mine. I don't actually own a short skirt like that but hubby-of-mine is keen that I should make myself look like the Sim and not vice versa I think ;)

Funny Sim-related happening :
Apparently hubby of mine walks into the Sim house and goes up to the TV and turns onto sport. 2 mins later I come in, sit down and turn it to my channels....!!???
Took all day writing the 2 blogs I'll do today so hope they'll make more sense than I think they will :)
G xxxx
Friday, 27 November 2009
No photos and fun sorry :(
I apologise in advance for lack of craftiness- thought I'd be all crafty again by now but what with the hospital appointment yesterday and the stupid cold I seem to have ... *again* ... grrr, maybe at the weekend :( ....
Anyway I'd appreciate comments on 2 things...
A) Am I death to silicone glue?!?
Wasn't impressed at the price of said glue but had to buy some anyway... used it a few weeks ago, put top securely back on.... opened it yesterday and it seems to be all dried up for the most part! It isn't as if it was cheap either it's the create and craft one... *growl* .... does anyone else get this? I put the original top on it as it has no holes... not sure what happened but I'm well peeved .. grrr...
B) Bind it all woes
Ok does anyone have a bind it all? Due to the fact that I'm unable to go to the Depeche Mode concert in December (WAH been looking forward to it all year!!!) ... have sold ticket to hubby's friend so I'm on the lookout for something I can use craft wise (when my health gets better maybe more than once a month! lol) ... have been drooling over bind-it-alls after having problems making my nan's word book for October and I have noticed a store selling the pink one for 50 pounds has 10 percent off til Monday...... so....
1) If I got one, is there any cheaper way of getting the binding things/ covers or do you have to buy the bind it all ones? Can you use card instead?
2) What exactly are the advantages of the pink one? Do you think I should go for the cheaper blue one since I'm not exactly a business and can take my time binding and don't have to have one that cuts through thicker stuff.. there is a buy it now one on Ebay for £25 I think for the blue one so I could afford with the money to get lots of little extras for it....or?...
3) Is there another machine that does what the Bind It All does?.. and cheaper? ;)
I think I asked all I had to ask but I'm really yuck today so best go off and rest again... but I had to ask.. please ask other people you know that are on my friends list if you 'see' them too... I don't get about the internet much recently so I haven't been saying 'updated blog' which is I think what gets me visits..... lol
Hope to show you some cards soon
G xxxxxxx
EDIT: Ok I was overtaken by the panic when I saw they only had one left on the site so I bought it so Sis and Mum have bought me a bind it all for Christmas :) ... do they do that to make you buy I wonder? .. LOL I can see them with a warehouse full of them saying mwah ha haaaaa I made you buy one in a panic and we have loads!!!!!!!
Anyway I'd appreciate comments on 2 things...
A) Am I death to silicone glue?!?
Wasn't impressed at the price of said glue but had to buy some anyway... used it a few weeks ago, put top securely back on.... opened it yesterday and it seems to be all dried up for the most part! It isn't as if it was cheap either it's the create and craft one... *growl* .... does anyone else get this? I put the original top on it as it has no holes... not sure what happened but I'm well peeved .. grrr...
B) Bind it all woes
Ok does anyone have a bind it all? Due to the fact that I'm unable to go to the Depeche Mode concert in December (WAH been looking forward to it all year!!!) ... have sold ticket to hubby's friend so I'm on the lookout for something I can use craft wise (when my health gets better maybe more than once a month! lol) ... have been drooling over bind-it-alls after having problems making my nan's word book for October and I have noticed a store selling the pink one for 50 pounds has 10 percent off til Monday...... so....
1) If I got one, is there any cheaper way of getting the binding things/ covers or do you have to buy the bind it all ones? Can you use card instead?
2) What exactly are the advantages of the pink one? Do you think I should go for the cheaper blue one since I'm not exactly a business and can take my time binding and don't have to have one that cuts through thicker stuff.. there is a buy it now one on Ebay for £25 I think for the blue one so I could afford with the money to get lots of little extras for it....or?...
3) Is there another machine that does what the Bind It All does?.. and cheaper? ;)
I think I asked all I had to ask but I'm really yuck today so best go off and rest again... but I had to ask.. please ask other people you know that are on my friends list if you 'see' them too... I don't get about the internet much recently so I haven't been saying 'updated blog' which is I think what gets me visits..... lol
Hope to show you some cards soon
G xxxxxxx
EDIT: Ok I was overtaken by the panic when I saw they only had one left on the site so I bought it so Sis and Mum have bought me a bind it all for Christmas :) ... do they do that to make you buy I wonder? .. LOL I can see them with a warehouse full of them saying mwah ha haaaaa I made you buy one in a panic and we have loads!!!!!!!
Friday, 20 November 2009
Not feeling well at all still...grrr so short on waffle this time but I last blogged in September so thought best let you know I'm still sort of about just resting loads and loads at moment .. *hugs* to people on MSE cardmaking thread not been there in what seems like years. Made a few cards so here they are

...... feel free to email me it makes me smile when I get emails :)
G xxx

...... feel free to email me it makes me smile when I get emails :)
G xxx
Monday, 21 September 2009
Christmastastic Smirky Stickles
Hey Hey Hey look! I have actually managed to do something!
Ok, so, it isn't cards per se but it's toppers for cards! ... which I have lovingly coloured and had a play with the outsides of the scallops with varied effects.... some rather garish but I think the stickled outsides are ok.... only got some Stickles last week but now I want them all! ...but being Thrifty-camps-out-on-Ebay-til-she-sees-mega-cheap-stuff Myz I'll only get them if I can buy them for a song ..... so come on Ebay sellers start your Stickle-Singing! lol....and as for the dog- well, I think he's got far too much bling going on on his hat and he's completely coloured incorrectly but.... I think I still may use it..
(Little Myz has been keeping Mummy company crafting and some pics are on her blog here)
...I have to get past the 'my cards are dire' stage and think, well, some people don't even make their own cards and at least I'm having a go. My hands are still rather shaky and it took ages to get these done start to finish (about 2 weeks lol) but it kept me out of trouble and has made me feel better mentally even if physically I still feel like a wrung-out dish cloth hehe... thank goodness for spell checkers or else I'd be talking gobbledygook here... or more than usual anyway ;)
Most are coloured with my WHSmith watercolour pencils (I actually really love the way the hedgehogs turned out!) and some are coloured with my Poundland felt pens lol... poor smirk girls... I really need different pens but I looked at the price of pens all you guys out there seem to use and they are so expensive :0

Whoopidoo sent me the little voodoo man- he's supposed to be very good for crafters' inspiration and I think he's actually rather good....only I am left with far too many ideas I can't put into practise .... come on muscles and stuff..get all rested and less shaky and let's get all these ideas churned out... I'll be like a cardmaking demon! *roar* !!!!
/mush on
Special thanks to Whoopidoo and Craftygranny for the messages over the past few weeks. I love you guys! (No, really, I do! xxxxx) ... being unwell doesn't usually get me down as it's been with me for so long off and on.... but recently I have been feeling rather yuck mentally too (which I hate myself for, I hate feeling sorry for myself lol) ... you two make me smile on a daily basis... so take a star each *mmmmwah*
/mush off
I don't get to see people as a general rule as the whole estate generally keeps themselves to themselves and I don't have people I can get together with and craft... so I pretend sometimes you two are here with me :) ... yeah I'm car-ay-zee hehe
*hugs* all round to anyone who reads this... definitely 2, but maybe even 3 of you ;) ... do remember that you can ease all my whingeing and boredom by emailing me on the link in About Me ;)
Ok, so, it isn't cards per se but it's toppers for cards! ... which I have lovingly coloured and had a play with the outsides of the scallops with varied effects.... some rather garish but I think the stickled outsides are ok.... only got some Stickles last week but now I want them all! ...but being Thrifty-camps-out-on-Ebay-til-she-sees-mega-cheap-stuff Myz I'll only get them if I can buy them for a song ..... so come on Ebay sellers start your Stickle-Singing! lol....and as for the dog- well, I think he's got far too much bling going on on his hat and he's completely coloured incorrectly but.... I think I still may use it..
(Little Myz has been keeping Mummy company crafting and some pics are on her blog here)
...I have to get past the 'my cards are dire' stage and think, well, some people don't even make their own cards and at least I'm having a go. My hands are still rather shaky and it took ages to get these done start to finish (about 2 weeks lol) but it kept me out of trouble and has made me feel better mentally even if physically I still feel like a wrung-out dish cloth hehe... thank goodness for spell checkers or else I'd be talking gobbledygook here... or more than usual anyway ;)
Most are coloured with my WHSmith watercolour pencils (I actually really love the way the hedgehogs turned out!) and some are coloured with my Poundland felt pens lol... poor smirk girls... I really need different pens but I looked at the price of pens all you guys out there seem to use and they are so expensive :0

Whoopidoo sent me the little voodoo man- he's supposed to be very good for crafters' inspiration and I think he's actually rather good....only I am left with far too many ideas I can't put into practise .... come on muscles and stuff..get all rested and less shaky and let's get all these ideas churned out... I'll be like a cardmaking demon! *roar* !!!!
/mush on
Special thanks to Whoopidoo and Craftygranny for the messages over the past few weeks. I love you guys! (No, really, I do! xxxxx) ... being unwell doesn't usually get me down as it's been with me for so long off and on.... but recently I have been feeling rather yuck mentally too (which I hate myself for, I hate feeling sorry for myself lol) ... you two make me smile on a daily basis... so take a star each *mmmmwah*
/mush off
I don't get to see people as a general rule as the whole estate generally keeps themselves to themselves and I don't have people I can get together with and craft... so I pretend sometimes you two are here with me :) ... yeah I'm car-ay-zee hehe
*hugs* all round to anyone who reads this... definitely 2, but maybe even 3 of you ;) ... do remember that you can ease all my whingeing and boredom by emailing me on the link in About Me ;)
Thursday, 17 September 2009
Sorry no pics of gorgeous cards today... still not right... lol shut up there at the back saying I'm never right in the head!! :P
...and you!!!.... you saying you have never seen gorgeous cards on my blog in its entire existence so why should I start now? ! :P
Anyway, I just thought I'd ask the *massive* pool of about 5 of you that actually read (lol) where you go for your digital stamps? I have decided not to even try to stamp for a bit and buy images or print out digi stamps but nothing I have come across so far floats my boat... and on Ebay everyone seems to sell Tilda and Penny Black... I guess there isn't much market for anything else... as people actually stamp their own and are proficient at it (grrrrr.....)
..and if you make your own stamps... will you sell me some?lol... I have taken to colouring in some stamped images I have bought on Ebay and been sent by the gorgeous CraftyGranny... I can cope with a couple before I get too headachy so it's a good way to get things going for when I can actually craft... ooooohhhh... the excitement
You can even email me if you want! ... I managed to work out how to put an email link in 'About Me' ... now aren't I clever? rofl...
Hope all that made sense lol...
*big* *hugs*
...and you!!!.... you saying you have never seen gorgeous cards on my blog in its entire existence so why should I start now? ! :P
Anyway, I just thought I'd ask the *massive* pool of about 5 of you that actually read (lol) where you go for your digital stamps? I have decided not to even try to stamp for a bit and buy images or print out digi stamps but nothing I have come across so far floats my boat... and on Ebay everyone seems to sell Tilda and Penny Black... I guess there isn't much market for anything else... as people actually stamp their own and are proficient at it (grrrrr.....)
..and if you make your own stamps... will you sell me some?lol... I have taken to colouring in some stamped images I have bought on Ebay and been sent by the gorgeous CraftyGranny... I can cope with a couple before I get too headachy so it's a good way to get things going for when I can actually craft... ooooohhhh... the excitement
You can even email me if you want! ... I managed to work out how to put an email link in 'About Me' ... now aren't I clever? rofl...
Hope all that made sense lol...
*big* *hugs*
Sunday, 13 September 2009
Blog Candies!
Headache... *growl*
Still not quite up to sorting out craft stash and making anything again yet so what little time I had on the PC I've been on and off blog hopping, finding new blogs... getting upset at how everyone else seems to make *way* better cards than me... etc.....
I've tried to comment on as many things as I can as I really want people to know how much I love their cards, but I run out of things to say... people are consistently making perfect cards..... and IT'S DEPRESSING!!!!!!!! ... lol... not sure that came across quite right but how many times can you say 'Wow that's a great card' without people saying...Hey that woman is blog hopping and cut and pasting comments!
...hope that made sense *sigh* I get rather confused when I'm tired.... lately I have been getting more and more confused looks from my Hubby, Son-of-Mine and Little Myz .. when I get tired, you see, my mouth comes up with weird words which I really don't mean... like asking hubby if he wants trifle instead of coffee.... (no it's ok I've been checked out I'm not really a complete loon ... just a big one ;) ) ... anyway, just so you know when you read somethings really weird on here I don't mean it and probably don't mean to confuse :)
Anyway on my travels over the past 2 days I have found (and been shown) many many blog candies that people are running at the moment so thought that I would let you know in a post (if anyone is reading this lol) so you can look at my blog candy bar on the right and see them yourself.. they really are too good to miss!
*hugs* thanks to Carmen for explaining at length how to do blog candy in the future I can link *properly* to the marvellous blog candies out there
So..hmm..this post doesn't seem to have a pic in that's not right.. I'll find a random one from my PC...
Ok here we and I hope to give you more to read in the near future... I blame all you guys with blog candies... all your wonderful giving has tired me out this weekend!
Darlo! Darlo! lol...
Still not quite up to sorting out craft stash and making anything again yet so what little time I had on the PC I've been on and off blog hopping, finding new blogs... getting upset at how everyone else seems to make *way* better cards than me... etc.....
I've tried to comment on as many things as I can as I really want people to know how much I love their cards, but I run out of things to say... people are consistently making perfect cards..... and IT'S DEPRESSING!!!!!!!! ... lol... not sure that came across quite right but how many times can you say 'Wow that's a great card' without people saying...Hey that woman is blog hopping and cut and pasting comments!
...hope that made sense *sigh* I get rather confused when I'm tired.... lately I have been getting more and more confused looks from my Hubby, Son-of-Mine and Little Myz .. when I get tired, you see, my mouth comes up with weird words which I really don't mean... like asking hubby if he wants trifle instead of coffee.... (no it's ok I've been checked out I'm not really a complete loon ... just a big one ;) ) ... anyway, just so you know when you read somethings really weird on here I don't mean it and probably don't mean to confuse :)
Anyway on my travels over the past 2 days I have found (and been shown) many many blog candies that people are running at the moment so thought that I would let you know in a post (if anyone is reading this lol) so you can look at my blog candy bar on the right and see them yourself.. they really are too good to miss!
*hugs* thanks to Carmen for explaining at length how to do blog candy in the future I can link *properly* to the marvellous blog candies out there
So..hmm..this post doesn't seem to have a pic in that's not right.. I'll find a random one from my PC...
Ok here we and I hope to give you more to read in the near future... I blame all you guys with blog candies... all your wonderful giving has tired me out this weekend!
Darlo! Darlo! lol...

Tuesday, 8 September 2009
Princess Lacey card
Not quite sure what I was on today... looking at the resulting card I think too much sugar and not enough rest....
...aaaaaanyhow.... somewhere's challenge, I forget where right now, not quite with it yet, required lace somewhere on a card... "oooh," thought I... "I have lace somewhere....." so off went I in search of said lace...
... 2 cups of tea, and much pulled-out hair, later I found the lace and as far as I can tell from the results, decided to make a very sickly sweet card... perhaps for a girly girl at some point who knows.... but it contained lace... and even though it's a really horrid pink card... and I couldn't even remember where the challenge was (*) ... I feel like I achieved something today as I actually *made* a card *and* it had lace on.... so take that, not-feeling-well! I have replaced you with happy-I-Made-A-Sickly-Lace card!
Lol... you can stop laughing now and clean up all the spat-out tea from your monitors :P
(*) not that I'd be putting it up for anything anyway....
...aaaaaanyhow.... somewhere's challenge, I forget where right now, not quite with it yet, required lace somewhere on a card... "oooh," thought I... "I have lace somewhere....." so off went I in search of said lace...
... 2 cups of tea, and much pulled-out hair, later I found the lace and as far as I can tell from the results, decided to make a very sickly sweet card... perhaps for a girly girl at some point who knows.... but it contained lace... and even though it's a really horrid pink card... and I couldn't even remember where the challenge was (*) ... I feel like I achieved something today as I actually *made* a card *and* it had lace on.... so take that, not-feeling-well! I have replaced you with happy-I-Made-A-Sickly-Lace card!
Lol... you can stop laughing now and clean up all the spat-out tea from your monitors :P
(*) not that I'd be putting it up for anything anyway....
Monday, 7 September 2009
Some random cards
Here are some cards I made recently. The footy one is Darlington for hubby, his birthday was last week. I messed it up as half the people aren't actually in the team any more *rolls eyes* well I don't know... I've not been well... they are wearing Darlo shirts and that's enough for me lol
This one was my first with stitching on- not so sure about it but it obviously has the Little Myz seal of approval as she really wants it in her room lol... so it's got to be good if she likes it, right? ...heheh. Used my silicone glue on it... it's actually rather good, if a little whiffy
Hoping to get back into making lots of Christmas cards soon... started really early so I could get loads done but stupid feeling yuck has kept me from making any recently as I've had birthday cards to make
...and don't mention the 90th birthday photo/scrap book! ...... I decided to create it on the PC as it would be easy... well ok maybe easi-ER... but it's not turning out to be very easy at all.... not sure whether it will be finished by October AGH AGH hehe... I won't put anything here just yet it's not ready for viewing :0 -thankfully I didn't tell her I was making it so maybe I'll fall back on the sherry.... for a present, not to drink myself! ;)
Tuesday, 1 September 2009
Not feeling up to much still but I got this huge bundle from MSE's craftygranny last week and I promised myself that when I felt up to it I'd post pics of her generosity. That day had been particularly yuck and I will remember for ages the way I felt at opening what was *supposed* to be 'a few stamped images'.... Not only did I get a stupendous bundle of stamped images and papers but so did Little Myz so she's been busy colouring those in while I do some heavy duty resting. I've even managed to colour some myself over the weekend but I don't know whether they'll ever reach the light of day ;)
Thanks Craftygranny, you're ace, and you really boosted my spirits and make me smile!
XXXX mmmmwah XXXX
Wednesday, 26 August 2009
Sister's Anniversary Card- Smiley Bears
Fiiiiiiinally finished my sister's wedding anniversary cards... about time too after 2 months as the anniversary is at the end of August! lol...
I used my Smiley Bears sheets I got weeks ago and I sort of like it... I decided to put the greeting on the back of the card though as everything I tried inside looked too squished hehe
Used son-of-mine's camera to take the photos... I sooo miss it- it was my camera til last month when I got a new one. It's touch screen and everything but it doesn't take photos half as well as my old Sony Eriksson *sniff* hehe

I used my Smiley Bears sheets I got weeks ago and I sort of like it... I decided to put the greeting on the back of the card though as everything I tried inside looked too squished hehe
Used son-of-mine's camera to take the photos... I sooo miss it- it was my camera til last month when I got a new one. It's touch screen and everything but it doesn't take photos half as well as my old Sony Eriksson *sniff* hehe
Monday, 24 August 2009
Oh Noes! What have I done......???!!!???
What am I doing? What *am* I doing?????
Having made cards for a few months I decided that my Nan's 90th at the start of October would be the time I first made a scrapbook and it would be excellent and everyone would say Ahhhh isn't that the most excellent thing I have ever seen!? ..... I'm getting the collywobbles, having kittens and anything else that means I'm now scared out of my wits
I have enough photos now to be getting on with spanning her life so now i have to make a start... I have ordered a 6x6 and 12x12 scrapbook with cash I gained selling dvds on Ebay... and I'm playing about with them now
Why did i say I'd do it? Why did I think I could make a good job of it????
...and to cap it all... after I played about with the pic in the photo here... I discovered my printer won't print out 12x12s anyway lol.....
Do you think I can get away with sticking printed out photos on and pretending they are cards etc? After all , That Is How You Are Meant To Scrapbook... right?
Oh matron.... I think it's time for my chillout pills!
Having made cards for a few months I decided that my Nan's 90th at the start of October would be the time I first made a scrapbook and it would be excellent and everyone would say Ahhhh isn't that the most excellent thing I have ever seen!? ..... I'm getting the collywobbles, having kittens and anything else that means I'm now scared out of my wits
I have enough photos now to be getting on with spanning her life so now i have to make a start... I have ordered a 6x6 and 12x12 scrapbook with cash I gained selling dvds on Ebay... and I'm playing about with them now
Why did i say I'd do it? Why did I think I could make a good job of it????
...and to cap it all... after I played about with the pic in the photo here... I discovered my printer won't print out 12x12s anyway lol.....
Do you think I can get away with sticking printed out photos on and pretending they are cards etc? After all , That Is How You Are Meant To Scrapbook... right?
Oh matron.... I think it's time for my chillout pills!

Sunday, 23 August 2009

Thanks for all your comments on my blog. It means a lot that people are even prepared to look at my cards let alone take the time to comment on them! lol....
This is my first 'meaty' Christmas card... one that has cost me more than about 50p in materials hehe... I'm happy at the way it's turned out but if I find any more thin gold peeloffs I may go round the aperture outside and in to make it a little more jazzy

Saturday, 22 August 2009
It's nearly Christmas!!!!!
Goodness it's nearly Christmas! I thought I'd get a really good head start but what with one thing and another (grrr) haven't been able to craft much, so I have about 10 cards made.... Must Do Better lol

The decoupage on a lot of these is mostly from a very talented woman called Nikky whose blog is here ... uber talented lady and some of her sheets are very funny :) I think I prefer the one with the reindeer on- I actually surprised myself with how good it ended up looking lol....

I only possess 3 stamps so we spent an afternoon last week trying to stamp some images for cards etc... I think the photo shows eight, but we tried about 30 *blush* what a waste.... I knew there was some reason I bought stamped images from Ebay and didn't try myself... hehe

Let's Make Cards etc

As I mentioned I've really not been up to much recently but trying to get back into the crafting again so I gathered up my Let's Make Cards bits and made a few cards.. even managed to use some of that corrugated weird card that I got in a job lot...doesn't look toooo bad... I just like to have an explore with shapes and stuff... some of the cards are copied from the magazine but some I went off on a tangent with... I really do prefer doing that... I see sooo many cards by people that just look the same... ok they look 100 times better than mine ever do... but I like to think there's some of me in the cards I make... even if it isn't a very creative part *lol*

Oh grr I really can't sort out where my photos go on this.... the photos seem to go where they want even if I put them where I want in the first place.... it's like after I click preview and it's poasting the blog they all say 'Ok Guys, run about!' hehe
Waterfall cards- first attempt

Hellooooo did you miss me? What do you mean you didn't know I wasn't here?
Lol... well I know it's really old news to most of you but seeing as I haven't been
very crafty recently I thought I'd ease myself back in gently and have a go at
some waterfall cards... they aren't as difficult as they look are lol
they? ... I must admit that I'll probably make my own if I make any again though... just feels so
'cheaty' to use sheets, but at least it taught me how to do it without totally messing
Lol... well I know it's really old news to most of you but seeing as I haven't been
very crafty recently I thought I'd ease myself back in gently and have a go at
some waterfall cards... they aren't as difficult as they look are lol
they? ... I must admit that I'll probably make my own if I make any again though... just feels so
'cheaty' to use sheets, but at least it taught me how to do it without totally messing
Saturday, 25 July 2009
Kiddy Doings
Still not feeling so great but just to show you I'm still alive here's what the kids have been up to.
Little Myz, just turned 4, had a go at colouring in a Tilda stamped image I had with watercolour pencils then adding water with her huuuuge paint brush lol... turned out rather great really considering the size of the brush
Son-of-mine aged 11 had a go at throwing ingredients into a bowl to make cakes Like Mummy Does but it seems he needs more practise! Far too much sugar made them flat but they tasted like candy floss..num num
..and little Myz again made In The Night Garden biscuits.... nummy
..and here's what happened when mummy tried to use Little Myz' paint brush to add water... rather a worse job than a 4 year old could do... so I'll crawl back in my cave for a few more days I think.... I'm running out of stamped images cos I keep ballsing them up!.... it's getting expensive hehe. Still haven't worked out how to edit the page so it doesn't look scrappy...I keep previewing and moving til it looks ok then publish but Blogger doesn't publish the way it just showed me in preview usually!!!!! lol
See you again when I venture back out of my pit
*hugs* to those who need them
G xxxx
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