Still not feeling so great but just to show you I'm still alive here's what the kids have been up to.
Little Myz, just turned 4, had a go at colouring in a Tilda stamped image I had with watercolour pencils then adding water with her huuuuge paint brush lol... turned out rather great really considering the size of the brush
Son-of-mine aged 11 had a go at throwing ingredients into a bowl to make cakes Like Mummy Does but it seems he needs more practise! Far too much sugar made them flat but they tasted like candy floss..num num
..and little Myz again made In The Night Garden biscuits.... nummy
..and here's what happened when mummy tried to use Little Myz' paint brush to add water... rather a worse job than a 4 year old could do... so I'll crawl back in my cave for a few more days I think.... I'm running out of stamped images cos I keep ballsing them up!.... it's getting expensive hehe. Still haven't worked out how to edit the page so it doesn't look scrappy...I keep previewing and moving til it looks ok then publish but Blogger doesn't publish the way it just showed me in preview usually!!!!! lol
See you again when I venture back out of my pit
*hugs* to those who need them
G xxxx